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Wednesday, 17 September 2014

One Lovely Blog Award and Nominations

What a fabulous surprise! I didn't think that anymore blog awards existed. This is such a  lovely award and I'm super happy that I can now give this lovely award to the lovely blogs that I read. Writing a blog is fun, scary and at times frustrating but no one will understand what you get from writing a blog until you brave the interwebs yourself.
I hope you enjoy this little tag! and if I didn't nominate you (sorry!) I don't see why you can't give yourself the award and nominate people. Just say I nominated you anyway.  :)

I'd like to thank the wonderfully talented  and super amazing Rachel from Rach For The Stars blog. Now you have to go ahead and follow her and tell her I sent you! Click here to dive into her blog --> - click me - Now, onwards with the post.

The rules of the award:
1. Thank the person nominating you and link back to them in your post
2. Share seven things about yourself
3. Nominate fifteen or so bloggers you admire
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know

Seven Facts About Me:
1. I own over 100 vintage comics and over 100 newer comics.
2. I have two siamese kittens named Simba and Bilbo, and they are cat dogs who love to play fetch.
3. I'm currently being brave and writing my first full length novel (not being published ... yet ;)) I've only written about 15,000 of 100,000. So a long way to go yet! It's called Livstreet.
4. I have a degree in Media Studies and Modern Liberal Arts.
5. I have two herniated discs, which is great...
6. My ancestors are thought to have originated from Snøde Parish in Denmark! RRR Vikings!
7. I hate most things made of metal! I wouldn't call it a phobia because I'm not scared of it, it just makes me feel sick. (Cutlery, Jewellery etc.) Ergh!

All the fabulous nominees for The One Lovely Blog Award:

(In no exact order) - Make sure you go ahead and follow all the nominees! Also I am aware that this award is getting everywhere, so if you have already been nominated just ignore! Or do it again. You also don't have to do it ;)

 Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Let me know if we have any weird facts in common, I'd love to hear about it. Till next time.


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