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Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Doctor Who Fashion/Outfits: Collaboration with Wear What You Watch

Oh Doctor Who, don't you just love it?! Well I know it isn't for everyone, but it certainly is for me and has been for the last 9 years. I'm really happy to say that I've joined up with the very talented Mel from Wear What You Watch. We've put together a few Doctor Who inspired outfits for you to enjoy. Don't forget to go and check out her site too! Allon-sy!

 Blouse - £25 - Debenhams (#62575Y1188019)
Trousers - £17.99 - NewLook (#300123901)
Blazer - £24.99 - NewLook (#297711401)
Ring - £6.50 - Top Shop (#61R64FTUR)
Brogues - £27.99 - NewLook (#307178901)
 Blazer - £11.00 - NewLook (#260901029)
Blouse - £9.99 - NewLook (#310821844)
Trousers - £19.75 - Forever 21 (#2000105805)
Braces - £10.00 - TopMan (#56W34FBRG)
Hair Bow - £3.07 - Rebowlution (Etsy)
Shoes - £52.50 - ASOS (#409965)

Dress - £15.00 - She Inside (#dress12122607)
Jacket - £44.99 - NewLook (#300507301)
Scarf - £7.99 - NewLook (#313246509)
Tights - £2.99 - NewLook (#288787162)
Shoes - £32.75 - Forever 21 (#2000071114)

And now over to the lovely Mel.

Click Here to see where you can buy the items featured in Mel's outfits.


I hope you enjoyed the post, let me know what you think in the comments below! Don't forget to share you blog links too! 

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