The lovely Jessica from The Italian Bunny Report tagged me in the Spring Time TAG, so here I am doing the Spring TAG. Let's hope this Spring is full of lovely weather and happy times with loved ones. Happy Easter!
1. What’s your favourite nail colour for Spring?
Barry M Pink Lady and Sugar Apple Gelly Nail Paint - £3.99
2. Best drink for Spring?
Still has to be a cup of tea, make it a cream tea
3. What goes on your lips in Spring
Natural Collection Lip Stick colours - understated and light, perfect for spring
4. What’s your favourite thing about Spring?
Cuddling the baby animals at the farm! Obviously!
5. Best perfume for Spring?
Something light. I don't own many perfumes. But I'm still in love with Lola Marc Jacobs, I think it's an all year round perfume.
6. What TV series are you watching the most at the moment?
The Walking Dead. I've rewatched it, then watched it again and again.
7. Do you wear a different colour eye shadow in Spring?
I don't wear eyeshadow. It's something I really want to try out. I just can't get the hang of it. But if I did I would stick to light colours, and obviously it has to be pastel colours.
8. Do you change your hair for the changing season?
Um, I'm not sure I do really. I seem to be quite boring. But I am trying to do more plaits and interesting things with my hair.
9. What kind of music do you listen do in Spring?
All music! But I recently did a blog post, to make you feel all warm and fuzzy like Spring. Check it out here.
10. What kind of fashion items/accessories do you opt for in Spring?
More flowery designs. Shorter and lighter jackets. Here are a few of my favourites.
Etsy - Flower Crowns

Etsy - Bows
NewLook - Shoes
Topshop - Dress
Kate Garey - Bags
I've Tagged (Don't forget to follow them!):
4. Pretty for Pence
What's your favourite part of Spring? Let me know in the comments below! Have a lovely Spring.
What's your favourite part of Spring? Let me know in the comments below! Have a lovely Spring.