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Monday, 28 April 2014

Geek Fashion: UK Edition

Hello everyone. Awhile a go I did a post about Geek Fashion. As the UK isn't inundated with places we can go for geek and nerd inspired fashion. I'd thought I would do a little post to best show what geeky goodness you can get in the UK. All be it online. Let's get to it.


Bilbo Baggins Clay Necklace - £9.27 - KimchiCreations (Etsy)
Mini Daisy Skirt - £22.00 - Topshop (#27J08FCRM)
Walking Dead Tee - £14.99 - Forbidden Planet (#A7264)
Block Bag - £TBC -  Luxford St (Etsy)
Strap Block Heel Boots - £29.99 - New Look
8bit Hair Bow - £4.99 -  BeadxBead (Etsy)

If you live in the UK please share your 'go to' places to find nerdy and geeky fashion. What's your favourite item from my wishlists?


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